Prof. Univ. Dr. Romiţă Iucu


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Professor Romita IUCU is the President of the Board of Trustees, of the renowned higher education institution in Romania’s Capital City, the University of Bucharest and professor at the Department of Educational Sciences. He has been appointed as Steering Committee Member of the EUA – European University Association, Teaching and Learning Initiative. Professor Iucu held several professional and management positions (former Acting Rector of the University of Bucharest 2016-2017, Vice-Rector for Academical Affairs, for more than 16 years)on designing, managing and validating higher education and adult education policies, at international and national level. He was, since 2010 to 2015, the ENTEP Coordinator (European Network on Teacher Education Policies) and between 2016-2017 country reprezentative in The BFUG - Bologna Follow-up Group. In the field of Policy analysis and development: Vice-President National Council for Educational Reform, EU - member of Cluster Teachers and trainers, EU - member of the Expert Group on Improving the Education of teachers and trainers, in 2015-2016, he was the Coordinator of QUALITAS - Barometer of Higher Education (National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education), MofE Ministry of Education and Research (deputy general director, designed and implemented the National Strategy for Adult Education), Consultant for Teacher Training Policies, National Socrates Agency / EURIDYCE – consultant for lifelong learning policies and country expert in the Modernization of Higher Education in Europe -Academic Staff - 2017, UNICEF - Coordinator for National Project – Strategy for Preschool Teacher Training, World Bank expert for rural Romanian Education. Since 2011 he has been inducted as a member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. He was working for ECORYS as country expert dealing with NRP, Themes of the Ad-Hoc requests, country updates. As a relevant experience to this assignment, Prof.Iucu was selected as senior expert in the Project: ”Development of the capacity of the Ministry of National Education to monitor and forecast the evolution of higher education in relation to the labour market - SIPOCA 3”, coordinated by the Romanian Academy of Sciences.

Interese de cercetare:
1. Procesul Bologna și reforma sistemului universitar din Romania
2. Politici educaționale in domeniul formarii și dezvoltării profesionale a cadrelor didactice universitare
3. Politici si strategii ale învățămantului romanesc din perspectiva Proceselor Europa 2020
4. Internaționalizare și echitate in învățământul superior din Romania
5. Strategii de transfer ale rezultatelor cercetării in domeniul educației și a formării profesionale
6. Andragogie și life-long-education în secolul XXI
7. Managementului clasei de elevi
Professor Romita IUCU is the President of the Board of Trustees, of the renowned higher education institution in Romania’s Capital City, the University of Bucharest and professor at the Department of Educational Sciences. He has been appointed as Steering Committee Member of the EUA – European University Association, Teaching and Learning Initiative. Professor Iucu held several professional and management positions (former Acting Rector of the University of Bucharest 2016-2017, Vice-Rector for Academical Affairs, for more than 16 years)on designing, managing and validating higher education and adult education policies, at international and national level. He was, since 2010 to 2015, the ENTEP Coordinator (European Network on Teacher Education Policies) and between 2016-2017 country reprezentative in The BFUG - Bologna Follow-up Group. In the field of Policy analysis and development: Vice-President National Council for Educational Reform, EU - member of Cluster Teachers and trainers, EU - member of the Expert Group on Improving the Education of teachers and trainers, in 2015-2016, he was the Coordinator of QUALITAS - Barometer of Higher Education (National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education), MofE Ministry of Education and Research (deputy general director, designed and implemented the National Strategy for Adult Education), Consultant for Teacher Training Policies, National Socrates Agency / EURIDYCE – consultant for lifelong learning policies and country expert in the Modernization of Higher Education in Europe -Academic Staff - 2017, UNICEF - Coordinator for National Project – Strategy for Preschool Teacher Training, World Bank expert for rural Romanian Education. Since 2011 he has been inducted as a member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. He was working for ECORYS as country expert dealing with NRP, Themes of the Ad-Hoc requests, country updates. As a relevant experience to this assignment, Prof.Iucu was selected as senior expert in the Project: ”Development of the capacity of the Ministry of National Education to monitor and forecast the evolution of higher education in relation to the labour market - SIPOCA 3”, coordinated by the Romanian Academy of Sciences.

Research interests:
- Bologna process and Romania’s University system reform
- Educational policies in the field of training and professional development of faculty members
- Policies and strategies of the Romanian educational system from the perspective of Europe’s 2020 strategy
- Internationalization and equity in Romania’s higher education system
- Strategies regarding the transference of research results in the field of education and professional training
- Andragogy and life-long education in the 21st century
- Management of a pupils’ class